Thursday, July 8, 2010
Mountain View's global teacher of 1,516 lessons and counting
Friday, June 4, 2010
New project
I am currently working on a new project called My blurb for this site follows:
" is an autoblog created and maintained by Richard Buchanan, a Nashville resident since 2002. This blog serves two purposes. It is a Wordpress learning project for Richard, as well as way to champion and promote some unique, passionate, and insightful voices within the Nashville community. This is not a commercial venture, but rather an attempt to organize the voices of independent local writers and commentators in a way that makes them easily accessible to people interested in Nashville or the opinions of Nashvillians. The internet and Web 2.0 technologies have made it possible for anyone with a message to publish themselves. That, however, has led to much static on the web. So much so that it can be difficult to separate the signal from the noise. Hopefully can help in that regard. With your help we can identify and amplify those in our community with messages that contribute to the larger conversation. If you know of a blog that you feel should be added to our roll please let us know. does not want to push an agenda. Many would agree that the internet has been a wonderful tool for improving communication, and in connecting people with similar intentions, ideas, and outlooks. We do not wish to refute those claims, however we would also add that the internet has made it possible for people to close themselves off to other perspectives. On the internet it is possible for a person to live in an echo chamber of sorts. It is possible to completely tune out those that you disagree with, and we believe that goes against the very nature of community. So, with that being said, we will be amplifying and promoting voices with various political persuasions and belief systems. Debate, dissent, and discussion are important in maintaining a healthy, engaged community so feel free to sound off here. We thank you for visiting, and we hope you will visit regularly."
I still have some work to do on it, but I thought I would share. It has really turned out to be a great way to stay abreast of the goings on around town (Nashville that is). Enjoy.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Facebook Games for Learning?
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Jail Break Your Learning
Exponential change - change that occurs at an exponentially increasing rate. See the graph above to see what that looks like. This graph explains how galaxies are moving away from each other at an ever increasing speed, but you could just as easily replace the y-axis title to "rate of technological change within our society." My point, and the point of the video below is this. In a world that is changing exponentially can we really depend on institutions to teach us the details of what we need to know? I think not, and maybe they never could. I think there is still a role for some portions of our learning institutions - those portions that teach reading , writing, and math - as well as a new portion that helps students learn how to manage their own learning(ie. portfolios, research skills, etc.) On second thought maybe this wouldn't be a new portion at all. That learning management piece sounds to me like a library function. (That makes me think of a book title I saw last week - This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All. I haven't read it yet, but I love the title!)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Defining my Vision and Teaching Online
Now that I am teaching high school I am often asked about my classroom experiences. People ask the basic questions regarding what it's like and if I like it, but many also seem concerned about the future of education as well as the quality of the work that is currently being done in education. I have these concerns myself, and when asked what I think needs to be done I have a hard time articulating my ideas. In my next few blog posts I am going to spend some time defining my vision of how I think organized learning should occur. Based on how difficult it is for me to speak extemporaneously on this topic I know this will not be an easy task for me. I will start with two basic statements that will serve as part of the foundation of my vision / philosophy.