Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jail Break Your Learning

Exponential change - change that occurs at an exponentially increasing rate. See the graph above to see what that looks like. This graph explains how galaxies are moving away from each other at an ever increasing speed, but you could just as easily replace the y-axis title to "rate of technological change within our society." My point, and the point of the video below is this. In a world that is changing exponentially can we really depend on institutions to teach us the details of what we need to know? I think not, and maybe they never could. I think there is still a role for some portions of our learning institutions - those portions that teach reading , writing, and math - as well as a new portion that helps students learn how to manage their own learning(ie. portfolios, research skills, etc.) On second thought maybe this wouldn't be a new portion at all. That learning management piece sounds to me like a library function. (That makes me think of a book title I saw last week - This Book Is Overdue! How Librarians and Cybrarians Can Save Us All. I haven't read it yet, but I love the title!)

Anyway, back to Jail Break Your Learning - video below. Key quotes that I found most thought provoking in this clip:

"In a world full of information and readily available expertise we need to ask if we should be letting someone else manage our learning."

"While our learning options have expanded greatly our learning methods haven't."

"... it's the self-learners, the informal learners that are making the biggest strides."

"Those who continue to rely on others to manage their learning for them will find the going hard."

"Learning does not have a start or stop date."

"The world is changing too fast to expect training every time something changes."

I hope I am separating the noise from the signal.


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